Publications in 2007

Post on: 2008-05-29Source: Hits:

1. Sun PQ*, Yoshizuka N, New L, Moser BA, Li YL, Liao R, Xie CC, Chen JM, Deng QD, Yamout M, Dong MQ, Frangou CG, Yates JR, Wright PE, Han J*. PRAK is essential for ras-induced senescence and tumor suppression. CELL, 128 (2): 295-308, 2007.

2. Otsuka M, Jing Q, Georgel P, New L, Chen JM, Mols J, Kang YJ, Jiang ZF, Du X, Cook R, Das SC, Pattnaik AK, Beutler B, Han J*. Hypersusceptibility to vesicular stomatitis virus infection in Dicer1-deficient mice is due to impaired miR24 and miR93 expression. IMMUNITY, 27(1): 123-134, 2007.

3. Han J*, Sun PQ. The pathways to tumor suppression via route p38. TRENDS IN BIOCHEMICAL SCIENCES, 32 (8): 364-371, 2007.

4. Rui YN, Xu Z, Xiong B, Cao Y, Lin SY, Zhang M, Chan SC, Luo W, Han Y, Lu ZL, Ye ZY, Zhou HM, Han JH, Meng A, Lin SC*. A beta-catenin-independent dorsalization pathway activated by Axin/JNK signaling and antagonized by Aida. DEVELOPMENTAL CELL, 13 (2): 268-282, 2007.

5. Li QX, Wang X, Wu XL, Rui YN, Liu W, Wang JF, Wang XH, Lion YC, Ye ZY, Lin SC*. Daxx cooperates with the Axin/HIPK2/p53 complex to induce cell death. CANCER RESEARCH, 67(1): 66-74, 2007.

6. Wang W, Zhong J, Su B, Zhou Y, Wang YQ*. Comparison of Pax1/9 locus reveals 500-Myr-old syntenic block and evolutionary conserved noncoding regions. MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, 24(3): 784-791, 2007.

7. Yang ZQ, Cheng W, Hong LX, Chen WZ, Wang YH, Lin SC, Han JH, Zhou HM*, Gu J*. Adenine nucleotide (ADP/ATP) translocase 3 participates in the tumor necrosis factor-induced apoptosis of MCF-7 cells. MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF THE CELL, 18 (11): 4681-4689, 2007.

8. Li GD, Fang JX, Chen HZ, Luo J, Zheng ZH, Shen YM, Wu Q*. Negative regulation of transcription coactivator p300 by orphan receptor TR3. NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH, 35 (21): 7348-7359, 2007.

9. Xu JR, Zhang JX, Han BC, Liang L, Ji ZL*. CytoSVM: an advanced server for identification of cytokine-receptor interactions. NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH, 35: W538-W542 Suppl. S, 2007.

10. Huang QY, Hu QH, Li QG*. Identification of 8 foodborne pathogens by multicolor combinational probe coding technology in a single real-time PCR. CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, 53 (10): 1741-1748, 2007.

11. Xu Y, Li QG*. Multiple fluorescent labeling of silica nanoparticles with lanthanide chelates for highly sensitive time-resolved Immunofluorometric assays. CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, 53 (8): 1503-1510, 2007.

12. Liu B, Wu JF, Zhan YY, Chen HZ, Zhang XY, Wu Q*. Regulation of the orphan receptor TR3 nuclear functions by c-Jun N terminal kinase phosphorylation. ENDOCRINOLOGY, 148 (1): 34-44, 2007.

13. Gao YY, Zhang DF, Li H, Liu RZ, Zhuang ZH, Li QF, Wang SY*, Peng XX. Proteomic approach for caudal trauma-induced acute phase proteins reveals that creatine kinase is a key acute phase protein in amphioxus humoral fluid. JOURNAL OF PROTEOME RESEARCH, 6 (11): 4321-4329, 2007.

14. Zhang H, Xu Y, Yang W, Li QG*. Dual-lanthanide-chelated silica nanoparticles as labels for highly sensitive time-resolved fluorometry. CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS, 19 (24): 5875-5881, 2007.

15. Zhao WX, Tian M, Zhao BX, Li GD, Liu B, Zhan YY, Chen HZ, Wu Q*. Orphan receptor TR3 attenuates the p300-induced acetylation of retinoid X receptor-alpha. MOLECULAR ENDOCRINOLOGY, 21(12):2877-2889, 2007.

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