| Jianwei Lv, Ph.D. Assistant Professor. Email:lvjianwei@xmu.edu.cn |
B.S. 2012, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Jurisprudence;
M.S. 2015, Jilin University, Jurisprudence;
Ph.D. 2020, China University of Political Science and Law University, Jurisprudence;
Professional Experience
Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2020-2022;
Assistant Professor, School of Life Sciences, Xiamen University, 2022
Research Area
Biotechnology Law and ethics, biotechnology governance, biotechnology intellectual property
Selected Publications
1. Zhenyu Xiao#, Jianwei Lv#, Siqi Zhao, Rosario Isasi, Xinwei Xie, Lei Dong, Yaojin Peng*, The Potential Effects of the United States Abortion Ruling on Global Embryo/Foetal and Stem Cell Research, Life Medicine, 2022(Accepted).
2. Yaojin Peng#*, Jianwei Lv#, Lulu Ding, Xia Gong, Qi Zhou*, Responsible Governance of Human Germline Genome Editing in China, Biology of Reproduction, 2022, ioac114. .
3. Yaojin Peng#*, Jianwei Lv#, Zhenyu Xiao, Lulu Ding, Qi Zhou*, A framework for the responsible reform of the 14-day rule in human embryo research, Protein & Cell, published online: 15 Feb. 2022.
4. Jianwei Lv#, Yeyang Su#, Lingqiao Song, Xia Gong, Yaojin Peng*, (2020), Stem cell ‘therapy’ advertisements in China: infodemic, regulations and recommendations, Cell Prolif, e12937, doi: 10.1111/cpr.12937, Epub ahead of print.
5. 彭耀进,吕建伟. 人类胚胎研究14天规则的挑战与出路. 自然辩证法通讯2022,44(10): 77-86.
6. 吕建伟,彭耀进. 人体生物样本知情同意退出制度重塑. 科学与社会. 2022,12(02): 137-156.
7. 吕建伟. 知识产权确认不侵权之诉的受理条件. 人民论坛. 2019, (11):89-91.