| Feng Guo, Ph.D. Associate Professor. E-mail: fguo.bio@xmu.edu.cn |
2002, B.Sc., Xiamen University;
2005, M.Sc., Xiamen University;
2009, Ph.D., Xiamen University.
Professional Experience
2010-2011, Research associate, IUE, CAS;
2011-2014, Postdoctoral fellow, Environmental Biotechnology Lab, HKU;
2014-present, Associate professor, School of Life Sciences, Xiamen University.
Research Area
Our research targets on complex microbial communities with significant functions from natural and human-related environments.We focus on the microbe-microbe and microbe-host interactions and the related eco-physiological and evolutionary processes. Based on the improvements of cultivation methods and understandings of the metabolic features, we are trying to culture and isolate those uncultured microbial lineages with key functions and applicable potentials.
Selected Publications
1.J Zhu, H Li, Z Jing, W Zheng, Y Luo, S Chen* & F Guo*. Robust host source tracking building on the divergent and non-stochastic assembly of gut microbiomes in wild and farmed large yellow croaker. Microbiome, 2022, 10(1):18.
2.F Guo*, T Zhang, B Li, Z Wang, F J & Y Liang. Mycobacterial species and their contribution to cholesterol degradation in wastewater treatment plants. Scientific Reports, 2019, 9:836.
3.W Song, M Zheng, H Li, W Zheng & F Guo*. Profiling population-level diversity and dynamics of Accumulibacter via high throughput sequencing of ppk1. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2019, 103(23-24): 9711-9722.
4.F Guo, B Li, Y Yang, Y Deng, J Qiu, X Li, KMY Leung and T Zhang. Impacts of human activities on distribution of sulfate-reducing prokaryotes and antibiotic resistance genes in marine coastal sediments of Hong Kong. Fems Microbiology Ecology, 2016, 92(9): fiw128.
5.F Guo, T Zhang. Detecting the nonviable and heat-tolerant bacteria in activated sludgeby minimizing DNA from dead cells. Microbial Ecology, 2014, 67(4): 829-836.
6.F Guo, F Ju, L Cai, T Zhang.Taxonomic precision of different hypervariable regions of 16S rRNA gene and annotation methods for functional bacterial groups in biological wastewater treatment. PloS ONE, 2013, 8 (10): e76185.
7.F Guo, T Zhang. Biases during DNA extraction of activated sludge samples revealed by high oughput sequencing. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2013, 97(10): 4607-4616.
8.F Guo, T Zhang. Profiling bulking and foaming bacteria in activated sludge by high throughput sequencing. Water Research, 2012, 46(8): 2772-82.
9.F Guo, SHZhang, X Yu, B Wei. Variations of both bacterial community and extracelluar polymers from aerobic biofloc to granule: The inducement of increase of cell hydrophobicity. Bioresource Technology, 2011, 102: 6421-6428.
10.F Guo, Z Huang, M Huang, J Zhao,CKe. Effects of small abalone, Haliotisdiversicolor, pedal mucus on bacterial growth, attachment, biofilm formation and community structure. Aquaculture, 2009, 293: 35-41.