| Hong Xu, Ph.D. Professor. E-mail: hxu@xmu.edu.cn |
1998, M.Sc., Botany, Xiamen University, China;
2006, Ph.D., Biochemistry and Molecular biology, Xiamen University, China.
Professional Experience
2009-2010, Postdoctoral fellow, Molecular and cell biology, University of California at Berkeley, USA;
Lecturer/Associate Professor/Professor, School of life sciences, Xiamen University, 1998 to Present.
Research Area
Applied & Environmental Microbiology, including: HABs Control Microbiology; Programmed cell death of Microalgae; Microalgal biofuels; Genetic engineer of Microalgae; Bioactive compounds with pharmaceutical potential from marine microorganisms.
Selected Publications
1.Chen S, Xie W, Lin X, Zhou H, Teng S, Jiang Z, Yao L, Xu H*. Controlling toxic Microcystis blooms: The power of a novel microalgal predator Poteriospumella lacustris in water safety improvement. J Clean Prod, 2024, 441:141011.
2.Xie W, Li B, Qu J, Zhou X, Su S, Wu C, Xu H*. Biodegradation of microcystin using free and alginate-immobilized Stenotrophomonas geniculate DMC-X3 bacterium. Environ Technol Inno, 2023, 32:103440.
3.Chen Y, Luo G, Chen S, Zhang D, Xie W, Wang Z, Zheng W, Xu H*. The potential of prodigiosin for control of Prorocentrum donghaiense blooms: Algicidal properties and acute toxicity to other marine organisms at various trophic levels. Ecotoxicol Environ Safe 2021, 228:112913.
4.Gui J, Chen S, Luo G, Wu Z, Yao L, Xu H*. Nutrient deficiency and an algicidal bacterium improved the lipid profiles of a novel promising oleaginous dinoflagellate, Prorocentrum donghaiense, for biodiesel production. Appl Environ Microbiol, 2021, 87 (19): e01159-21.
5.Zhang F#, Fan Y #, Zhang D, Chen S, Bai X, Ma X, Xie Z, Xu H*. Effect and mechanism of the algicidal bacterium Sulfitobacter porphyrae ZFX1 on the mitigation of harmful algal blooms caused by Prorocentrum donghaiense. Environ Pollut, 2020, 263:114475.
6.Zhang D, Ye Q, Zhang F, Shao X, Fan Y, Zhu X, Li Y, Yao L, Tian Y, Zheng T, Xu H*. Flocculating properties and potential of Halobacillus sp. strain H9 for the mitigation of Microcystis aeruginosa blooms. Chemosphere, 2019, 218, 138-146.
7.Zheng S, Zhang D, Gui J, Wang J, Zhu X, Lai Q, Wang W*, Xu H*. Thalassotalea mangrovi sp. nov., a bacterium isolated from marine mangrove sediment. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2019, 69(11):3644-3649.
8.Zhang F, Ye Q, Chen Q, Yang K, Zhang D, Chen Z, Lu S, Shao X, Fan Y, Yao L, Ke L, Zheng T, Xu H*. Algicidal activity of novel marine bacterium Paracoccus sp. strain Y42 against a harmful algal-bloom-causing dinoflagellate, Prorocentrum donghaiense. Appl Environ Microbiol, 2018, 84(19): e01015-18.
9.Chen Z, Zheng W, Yang L, Boughner L, Tian Y, Zheng T*, Xu H*. Lytic and chemotactic features of a plaque-forming bacterium KD531 on Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Front Microbiol, 2017, 8:2581.
10.Yang K#, Chen Q#, Zhang D, Zhang H, Lei X, Chen Z, Li Y, Ma X, Hong Y, Zheng W, Tian Y, Zheng T*, Xu H*. The algicidal effect of Prodigiosin from Halle sp. KA22 against Microcystis aeruginosa. Sci Rep, 2017, 7: 7750.