| Chuanchao Wang, Ph.D. Professor E-mail:wang@xmu.edu.cn |
2006.09-2010.06: Ocean University of China, BSc;
2010.09-2015.06: School of life sciences, Fudan University, PhD
Professional Experience
2011.07-2011.09: Intern, Human Genome Sequencing Center, Baylor Medical College, USA
2015.07-2017.06: Postdoctoral Researcher, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, Germany
2015.10-2017.08: Research Fellow, Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical School
2017.07-2017.08: Research Associate, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, Germany
2017.09-2018.06: Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology and Ethnology, Xiamen University
2018.06 - present: Director, Professor, Institute of Anthropology, Xiamen University
2021.09 - present: Professor, School of life sciences, Xiamen University
Research Area
Research interests: population genomics, human evolutionary genetics, molecular anthropology, forensic genomics, forensic medicine Research content:
1. Genetic structure and population history of modern populations, and analyze the fine genetic structure of East Asian populations by using whole genome sequencing and array genotyping technology;
2. Using ancient human DNA, linguistics and archaeology to analyze the history of human origin and evolution;
3. Research on human adaptation to environment and natural selection, genetic mapping of human complex genetic diseases and complex traits;
4. Forensic genomics for personal identification, complex genetic relationship identification, and ancestry inference of evidence materials in forensic medicine.
Selected Publications(* Corresponding author):
以第一作者或通讯作者在包括Nature、Science、Nature Communications、Current Biology等在内的国内外期刊上发表SCI、SSCI或A&HCI论文40余篇,以参与作者在Cell、Nature Ecology & Evolution、Nature Communications上发表论文6篇,精细解析了东亚人群遗传结构,系统性地重构了东亚人群形成史,为汉藏同源、南岛与壮侗同源提供古基因组学证据,反驳了泛欧亚语的农业传播假说,发展了印欧语的起源和扩散假说,推动了人类基因组学大数据在法医学中的应用。
1.Chuan-Chao Wang*,#, et al. (2021) The Genomic Formation of Human Populations in East Asia. Nature, 591 (7850), 413-419.
2.Chuan-Chao Wang*,#, et al. (2019) Ancient human genome-wide data from a 3000-year interval in the Caucasus corresponds with eco-geographic regions. Nature Communications, 10(1):590.
3.Chao Ning*, Chuan-Chao Wang*, et al. (2019) Ancient genomes reveal Yamnaya-related ancestry and a potential source of Indo-European speakers in Iron Age Tianshan. Current Biology, 29(15):2526-2532
4.Chuan-Chao Wang, et al. (2012) Comment on "Phonemic diversity supports a serial founder effect model of language expansion from Africa". Science. 2012, 335(6069):657.