Zhenghong Zuo

Post on: 2025-01-08Source: Hits:

Zhenghong Zuo , Ph.D.


Tel: +86-592-2187353

E-mail: zuozhenghong@xmu.edu.cn


B.S.1996,Anhui Normal University, Biology Education ;

M.S. 1999, Xiamen University, Zoology;

Ph.D. 2005, Xiamen University, Environmental Science.

Professional Experience

Research Scholar, New York University, 2009-2010;

2005-Present, Assist. Professor, Assoc. Professor, Professor, School of Life Sciences, Xiamen University.

Research Area

We investigate the relationship of persistent organic pollutants and emerging pollutants (such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, polychlorinated biphenyls, organotins, and emerging pesticides) exposure with health outcomes (diabetes, neonatal birth defects, cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, polycystic ovary syndrome, and kidney diseases) through environmental epidemiological studies; explore the toxicological mechanisms of adverse effects caused by pollutants exposure at environmental doses via multiple models and tools; look for potential cellular and molecular biomarkers as diagnostic and prognostic tools for pollution monitoring.

Selected Publications (*Corresponding author, #co-first author)

1. Chengyong He#*, Fengkai Ruan#, Shengwei Jiang#, Jie Zeng, Hanying Yin, Rong Liu, Yongxing Zhang, Laiqiang Huang, Chonggang Wang, Shaohua Ma*, Zhenghong Zuo*, 2020. Black Phosphorus Quantum Dots Cause Nephrotoxicity in Organoids, Mice and Human Cells.Small, 2001371.
2. Yixi Zhou, Chao Shen, Jinpeng Ruan, Chengyong He, Meng Chen, Chonggang Wang, Zhenghong Zuo* 2020. Generation and application of a Tg(cyp1a:egfp) transgenic marine medaka (Oryzias melastigma) line as an in vivo assay to sensitively detect dioxin-like compounds in the environment, J Hazard Mater, 2020.122192.
3. Chenyang Ji, Chao Shen, Yixi Zhou, Kongyang Zhu, Zhe Sun, Zhenghong Zuo*, Meirong Zhao*, 2019. AhR Agonist Activity Confirmation of Polyhalogenated Carbazoles (PHCZs) Using an Integration of in Vitro, in Vivo, and in Silico Models, Environ Sci Technol, 53(24):14716-14723.
4. Zhibing Yang, Junxia Shi, Zhizhun Guo, Mingyue Chen, Chonggang Wang, Chengyong He*, Zhenghong Zuo*, 2019, A pilot study on polycystic ovarian syndrome caused by neonatal exposure to tributyltin and bisphenol A in rats, Chemosphere, 9, 231: 151-160
5. Jinpeng Ruan, Jiaojiao Guo, Yameng Huang, Yunzi Mao, Zhenggang Yang, Zhenghong Zuo* 2019. Adolescent exposure to environmental level of PCBs (Aroclor 1254) induces non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in male mice, Environ Res, 181:108909
6. Yixi Zhou#, Chao Shen#, Hong Du, Yuanyuan Bao, Chengyong He, Chonggang Wang,Zhenghong Zuo* 2019. Bioassay system for the detection of aryl hydrocarbon receptor agonists in waterborne pesticides using zebrafish cyp1a1 promoter-luciferase recombinant hepatic cells. Chemosphere. 220: 61-68.
7. Chao Shen#, Yixi Zhou#, Jinpeng Ruan, Yung-Jen Chuang, Chonggang Wang, Zhenghong Zuo* 2018. Generation of a Tg (cyp1a-12DRE:EGFP) transgenic zebrafish line as a rapid in vivo model for detecting dioxin-like compounds, Aquat Toxicol, 205:174-181.
8. Jiaojiao Guo, Chonggang Wang, Zhizhun Guo, Zhenghong Zuo* 2018. Exposure to environmental level phenanthrene induces a NASH-like phenotype in new born rat, Environ Pollut, 239:261-271.
9. Yuanchuan Wang#, Chao Shen#, Chonggang Wang, Yixi Zhou, Zhenghong Zuo* 2018. Maternal and embryonic exposure to the water soluble fraction of crude oil or lead induces behavioral abnormalities in zebrafish (Danio rerio), and the mechanisms involved, Chemosphere, 191:7-16.
10. Dongxu Gao, Chonggang Wang, Zhihui Xi, Yuanchuang Wang, Zhenghong Zuo* 2017. Early-life benzo[a]pyrene exposure causes neurodegenerative syndromes in adult zebrafish (Danio rerio) and the mechanism involved, Toxicol Sci, 157(1):74-84.
11. Zhizhun Guo, Huiling Qiu, Lingling Wang, Lijun Wang, Chonggang Wang, Meng Chen*, Zhenghong Zuo* 2017. Association of serum organochlorine pesticides concentrations with reproductive hormone levels and polycystic ovary syndrome in a Chinese population, Chemosphere, 171:595-600.
12. Lixing Huang#, Zihui Xi#, Chonggang Wang, Youyu Zhang, Zhibing Yang, Shiqi Zhang, Yixin Chen, Zhenghong Zuo* 2016. Phenanthrene exposure induces cardiac hypertrophy via reducing miR-133a expression by DNA methylation. Scientific Reports 6:20105.
13. Meifan Wu#, Di Wu#, Chonggang Wang, Guo, Z.Z., Bowen Li, Zhenghong Zuo* 2016. Hexabromocyclododecane exposure induces cardiac hypertrophy and arrhythmia by inhibiting miR-1 expression via up-regulation of the homeobox gene Nkx2.5. J Hazard Mater 302:304-313.
14. Dongxu Gao, Meifan Wu, Chonggang Wang, Yuanchuang Wang, Zhenghong Zuo* 2015. Chronic exposure to low benzo[a]pyrene level causes neurodegenerative disease-like syndromes in zebrafish (Danio rerio). Aquat Toxicol 167:200-208.
15. Shiqi Zhang, Tian Wu, Meng Chen, Zhizhun Guo, Zhibing Yang, Zhenghong Zuo*, Chonggang Wang * 2015. Chronic exposure to Aroclor 1254 disrupts glucose homeostasis in male mice via inhibition of the insulin receptor signal pathway. Environ Sci Technol 49(16):10084-10092.
16. Zhenghong Zuo, Tongjian Cai, Jingxia Li, Dongyun Zhang, Yonghui Yu, Chuanshu Huang* 2012. Hexavalent Chromium Cr(VI) Upregulates COX-2 Expression through an NFκB/c-Jun/AP-1-dependent Pathway. Environ Health Perspect 120(4):547-553.
17. Zhenghong Zuo, Tian Wu, Moudan Lin, Shiqi Zhang, Feihuan Yan, Zhibin Yang, Yuanchuan Wang, Chonggang Wang*. 2014. Chronic exposure to tributyltin chloride induces pancreatic islet cell apoptosis and disrupts glucose gomeostasis in male mice. Environ Sci Technol 48(9):5179-86.
18. Lixing Huang, Dongxu Gao, Youyu Zhang, Chonggang Wang, Zhenghong Zuo*, 2014. Exposure to low dose benzo[a]pyrene during early life stages causes symptoms similar to cardiac hypertrophy in adult zebrafish. J Hazard Mater 276C:377-382.
19. Lixing Huang, Chonggang Wang, Youyu Zhang, Meifang Wu, Zhenghong Zuo*, 2013. Phenanthrene causes ocular developmental toxicity in zebrafish embryos and the possible mechanisms involved. J Hazard Mater. 261c:172-180.
20. Youyu Zhang, Lixing Huang, Chonggang Wang, Dongxu Gao, Zhenghong Zuo*. 2013. Phenanthrene exposure produces cardiac defects during embryo development of zebrafish (Danio rerio) through activation of MMP-9. Chemosphere 93(6): 1168-1175.
21. Jiali Cai, Chonggang Wang, Lixing Huang, Meng Chen, Zhenghong Zuo*. 2013. A novel effect of polychlorinated biphenyls: impairment of the tight junctions in the mouse epididymis. Toxicol Sci 134(2): 382-90.
22. Zhenghong Zuo*, Chonggang Wang, Meifang Wu, Yuqing Wang, Yixin Chen. 2012. Exposure to Tributyltin and Triphenyltin induces DNA damage and alters nucleotide excision repair gene transcription in Sebastiscus marmoratus liver. Aquat Toxicol 122-123: 106-112.
23. Chengyong He, Chonggang Wang, Yuling Zhou, Jian Li*, Zhenghong Zuo*. 2012. Embryonic exposure to benzo(a)pyrene influences neural development and function in rockfish (Sebastiscus marmoratus). Neurotoxicology 33(4):758-762.
24. Chengyong He, Chonggang Wang, Bowen Li, Meifang Wu, Hong Geng, Yixin Chen, Zhenghong Zuo*. 2012. Exposure of Sebastiscus marmoratus embryos to pyrene results in neurodevelopmental defects and disturbs related mechanisms. Aquat Toxicol 116-117: 109-115.
25. Youyu Zhang, Chonggang Wang, Lixing Huang, Rong Chen, Yixin Chen, Zhenghong Zuo*. 2012. Low-level pyrene exposure causes cardiac toxicity in zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos. Aquat Toxicol 114-115:119-124.
26. Lixing Huang, Chonggang Wang, Youyu Zhang, Jian Li, Yuanfu Zhong, Yulin Zhou, Yixin Chen, Zhenghong Zuo*. 2012. Benzo[a]pyrene exposure influences the cardiac development and the expression of cardiovascular relative genes in zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos. Chemosphere. 87(4): 369-375.
27. Zhenghong Zuo, Suzhen Chen, Tian Wu, Jiliang Zhang, Ying Su, Yixin Chen, Chonggang Wang*. 2011. Tributyltin causes obesity and hepatic steatosis in male mice. Environ Toxicol 26(1): 79-85.
28. Jiali Cai, Chonggang Wang, Tian Wu, João Manuel Lopes Moreno, Yuanfu Zhong, Huang X, Zhenghong Zuo*. 2011. Disruption of spermatogenesis and differential regulation of testicular estrogen receptor expression in mice after polychlorinated biphenyl exposure. Toxicology 287(1-3): 21-28.
29. Bowen Li, Chonggang Wang, Ang Yu, Yixin Chen, Zhenghong Zuo*. 2010. Identification of differentially expressed genes in the brain of Sebastiscus marmoratus in response to tributyltin exposure. Aquat Toxicol 99(2): 248-255.
30. Zhenghong Zuo*, Jiali Cai, Xinli Wang, Bowen Li, Chonggang Wang, Yixin Chen. 2009. Acute administration of tributyltin and trimethyltin modulate glutamate and N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor signaling pathway in Sebastiscus marmoratus. Aquat Toxicol 92(1): 44-49.
31. Yuqing Wang, Chonggang Wang, Jiliang Zhang, Yixin Chen, Zhenghong Zuo*. 2009. DNA hypomethylation induced by tributyltin, triphenyltin, and a mixture of these in Sebastiscus marmoratus liver. Aquat Toxicol 95(2): 93-98.

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