Shih-Chin Cheng

Post on: 2025-01-08Source: Life English Hits:

Shih-Chin Cheng, Ph.D.



B.S. 2001, National Tsing-Hua University, Bioscience;
M.S. 2005, National Yang-Ming University, Microbiology and Immunology;
Ph.D. 2012, Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands, Biomedical Medicine;

Professional Experience

Postdoctoral Fellow, University Medical Center Nijmegen, 2013-2014;
Senior Postdoctoral Fellow, Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT, 2015-2016;
Assistant Professor, Institute of Molecular Medicine, National Tsing-Hua University, 2016-2019
Professor, School of Life Sciences, Xiamen University, 2019 to Present.

Research Area

Our lab has a long-term interest along the line of trained immunity. Trained immunity is a de facto immunological memory of innate immunity, characterized by the antigen-independent memory underlined by the epigenetic and metabolic reprogramming of the trained cells. Stimulants such as BCG vaccine and fungi etc., have been reported to induce trained immunity. Our current research directions include a dissection of the mechanisms of trained immunity induced by various (patho)physiological conditions and translational applications of trained immunity in infectious diseases, inflammatory bowel diseases, and cancer therapy. Students interested in immunology from various backgrounds are welcome to join Chenglab!

Selected Publications (*Corresponding author, #co-first author)

1.Zhu Y, Gao Q, Zhang J, Cheng Y, Yang S, Xu R, Yuan J, Novakovic B, Netea MG, Cheng SC. Persistent bone marrow hemozoin accumulation confers a survival advantage against bacterial infection via cell-intrinsic Myd88 signaling. Cell Reports, 2024 Oct 10;43(10):114850.
2.Zhang L, Wu Z, Qiu X, Zhang J, Cheng SC. Glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase 1 is dispensable in macrophage differentiation and anti-pathogen response Commun Biol. 2024 Jul 5;7(1):817
3.Cheng C, Li H, Zhang J, Cheng SC. Exploring the Limitations of Mitochondrial Dye as a Genuine Horizontal Mitochondrial Transfer Surrogate. Commun. Biol. 2024 Mar 7;7(1):281
4.Dang B, Gao Q, Zhang L, Zhang J, Cai H, Zhu Y, Zhong Q, Liu J, Niu Y, Mao K ,Xiao X, Liu WH, Lin SH, Huang J, Huang SC, Ho PC, Cheng SC. The Glycolysis/Hif-1α axis defines the inflammatory role of IL-4-primed macrophages. Cell Reports, 2023 May 6;42(5):112471
5. Cheng SC, Quintin J, Cramer RA, Shepardson KM, Saeed S, Kumar V, Giamarellos-Bourboulis EJ, Martens JH, Rao NA, Aghajanirefah A, Manjeri GR, Li Y, Ifrim DC, Arts RJ, van der Veer BM, Deen PM, Logie C, O'Neill LA, Willems P, van de Veerdonk FL, van der Meer JW, Ng A, Joosten LA, Wijmenga C, Stunnenberg HG, Xavier RJ, Netea MG. mTOR- and HIF-1α-mediated aerobic glycolysis as metabolic basis for trained immunity. Science. 2014 26;345(6204):1250684.
6. Cheng SC#, Scicluna BP#, Arts RJ#, Gresnigt MS, Lachmandas E, Giamarellos-Bourboulis EJ, Kox M, Manjeri GR, Wagenaars JA, Cremer OL, Leentjens J, van der Meer AJ, van de Veerdonk FL, Bonten MJ, Schultz MJ, Willems PH, Pickkers P, Joosten LA, van der Poll T, Netea MG. Broad defects in the energy metabolism of leukocytes underlie immunoparalysis in sepsis. Nat Immunol 2016 Apr;17(4):406-13.
7. Arts RJ, Huang PK, Yang D, Joosten AB, Van der Meer JWM, Oppenheim JJ, Netea MG, Cheng SC* High-Mobility Group Nucleosome-Binding Protein 1 as Endogenous Ligand Induces Innate Immune Tolerance in a TLR4-Sirtuin-1 Dependent Manner in Human Blood Peripheral Mononuclear Cells. Frontiers in Immunology, 2018 9:256
8. Kumar V#, Cheng SC# Johnson MD, Smeekens SP, Wojtowicz A, Giamarellos-Bourboulis E, Karjalainen J, Franke L, Withoff S, Plantinga TS, van de Veerdonk FL, van der Meer JW, Joosten LA, Sokol H, Bauer H, Herrmann BG, Bochud PY, Marchetti O, Perfect JR, Xavier RJ, Kullberg BJ, Wijmenga C, Netea MG. Immunochip SNP array identifies novel genetic variants conferring susceptibility to candidaemia. Nat Commun. 2014 8;5:4675

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