January 5, 2017-Intracellular reallocation of metabolic pathways in cells with complex plastids

Post on: 2016-12-27Source: Life English Hits:

Title: Intracellular reallocation of metabolic pathways in cells with complex plastids

Lecturer: Dr. rer. nat. Ansgar Gruber

                 Fachbereich Biologie, Universität Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany

Time: AM9:30, January 5, 2017 (Thursday).

Venue: Lecture hall E307, School of Life Sciences.

Invitor: Prof. Yahui Gao, Prof. Junrong Liang


Plastids in the diverse lineages of eukaryotes evolved through endosymbiosis of cyanobacteria and eukaryotes, or of photosynthetic eukaryotes and other eukaryotes. These processes involved gains and losses of intracellular compartments and metabolic capacities, for instance the gain of photosynthesis in the host cell, or the loss of most cytosolic processes in the endosymbiont cell. While for these metabolic pathways gains and losses are connected to the structure and function of the organelles, genomic and experimental data provides evidence that also other reallocations of metabolic pathways took place.

In this talk I will present protein targeting prediction tools, existing as well as newly developed, which have been evaluated for the use with organisms with complex plastids of the red lineage. In addition, I will present results of unexpected reallocations of metabolic pathways in these organisms.

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