Title: Atomic force microscopy for studying the biophysics of bacteria
Lecturer: Prof. Jamie K. Hobbs
Director of the Krebs Institute
Department of Physics and Astronomy,University of Sheffield, UK
Time: 2017-05-15, 9:00-10:10.
Venue: Lecture hall E307, School of Life Sciences.
Inviter: Prof. Aidong Han
Contact person: Chen Wang 0592-2188172
Title: Tracking antibiotic resistance genes in the environmentLecturer: Prof. Yongguan Zhu
Director General
Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xiamen, China
Time: 2017-05-15, 10:10-11:10.
Venue: Lecture hall E307, School of Life Sciences.
Inviter: Prof. Aidong Han
Contact person: Chen Wang 0592-2188172
Title: Redox balance and stress-mediated bacterial cell death
Lecturer: Prof. Xilin Zhao
Public Health Research Institute Center, Dept. Microbiol.
Biochem. & Mol Genetics, New Jersey Medical School,
Rutgers, Biomedical and Health Sciences Rutgers,
The State University of New Jersey, US
Time: 2017-05-15, 11:10-12:10.
Venue: Lecture hall E307, School of Life Sciences.
Inviter: Prof. Aidong Han
Contact person: Chen Wang 0592-2188172
Title: Staphylococcus aureus: A super bug!
Lecturer: Prof. Simon J. Foster
The Krebs Institute, Department of Molecular Biology and
Biotechnology, University of Sheffield, UK
Time: 2017-05-15, 13:30-14:30.
Venue: Lecture hall E307, School of Life Sciences.
Inviter: Prof. Aidong Han
Contact person: Chen Wang 0592-2188172
Title: Crystal structures of NDM1 in complex with products and inhibitors
Lecturer: Prof. Hongmin Zhang
Department of Biology,
Southern University of Science and Technology, Shengzhen, China
Time: 2017-05-15, 14:30-15:30.
Venue: Lecture hall E307, School of Life Sciences.
Inviter: Prof. Aidong Han
Contact person: Chen Wang 0592-2188172
Title: Cellular signaling through two-component systems in response to extracellular stimuli in bacteria
Lecturer: Prof. Aidong Han
School of Life sciences, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China
Time: 2017-05-15, 15:30-16:30.
Venue: Lecture hall E307, School of Life Sciences.
Contact person: Chen Wang 0592-2188172