报告题目:Human T cell development in embryo
报告人:胡洪波 教授
报告时间:8月31日(周一) 上午10:00
报告地点:生命科学学院 五楼学术报告厅
2002年毕业于厦门大学生科院微生物专业,2005年毕业于中国医学科学院、北京协和医学院免疫学专业。2006-2015先后在美国Baylor医学院、MD安德森癌症中心做博士后、讲师。2015年回四川大学组建独立实验室。主要从事分子和细胞免疫学研究,集中在T细胞发育、分化和功能中信号传导以及分子调节机制方面。入选四川省特聘专家计划。已经在国际一流期刊Nature,Immunity, J Exp Med, PNAS, Cell Research等发表论文共30余篇,总影响因子为超过350。承担了科技部国家重点研发蛋白质专项、干细胞专项和自然基金委重大研究计划、面上项目。
Generation of the first T lymphocytes in the human embryo involves the emergence, migration, and thymus seeding of lymphoid progenitors together with concomitant thymus organogenesis, which is the initial step to establish the entire adaptive immune system. However, the cellular and molecular pro- grams regulating this process remain unclear. We constructed a single-cell transcriptional landscape of human early T lymphopoiesis by using cells from multiple hemogenic and hematopoietic sites spanning embryonic and fetal stages. Among heterogenous early thymic progenitors, one subtype shared common features with a subset of lymphoid progenitors in fetal liver that are known as thymus-seeding progenitors. Unbiased bioinformatics analysis identified a distinct type of pre-thymic lymphoid progenitors in the aorta-gonad-mesonephros (AGM) region. In parallel, we investigated thymic epithelial cell development and potential cell-cell interactions during thymus organogenesis. Together, our data provide insights into human early T lymphopoiesis that prospectively direct T lymphocyte regeneration, which might lead to development of clinical applications.
报告人:何玉韩 博士
报告时间:8月31日(周一) 上午11:00
报告地点:生命科学学院 五楼学术报告厅